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Is A Yorkie A Good Family Dog? Everything You Need To Know!

Written by Angela Gladden
Angela Gladden Sparkle Of Glamour Yorkies


If you’re thinking about adding a little Yorkie to your family, you’ve probably got a bunch of questions.

I get it! As someone who’s been around these adorable dogs for 20+ years, I’ve seen firsthand how Yorkies can be an amazing addition to a family.

Let’s dive into why these tiny pups might just be the perfect match for your home.

First off, Yorkies might be small, but they pack a lot of personality into their tiny bodies.

They’re super affectionate and love nothing more than hanging out with their humans. Whether you’re chilling on the couch or out running errands, your Yorkie pal will want to be right there with you.

But it’s not all snuggles and cuddles.

These little guys have energy to spare! They’re playful and can be quite feisty, thanks to their rat-catching ancestors.

It’s important to remember that while Yorkies are great with families, they’re best with older kids who know how to play gently. Their small size means they can get hurt easily if playtime gets too rough.

Thinking about bringing a Yorkie into a busy family?

Perfect! They thrive on attention and don’t like being left alone for too long. If your home’s got a lot of love and someone around most of the time, a Yorkie will fit right in.

Training is a must with Yorkies.

They’re smart and pick up on things quickly, but they can also be a bit stubborn.

A little patience and lots of positive vibes during training sessions go a long way. And don’t skip out on socializing them early—it helps them grow up to be well-adjusted and friendly adults.

Now, let’s talk care.

Yorkies are pretty healthy, but like all breeds, they have their share of health stuff to watch out for.

Regular vet visits and a good diet are key.

And grooming? Yep, there’s a bit of work there. Their gorgeous coats need regular brushing to keep them looking their best.

So, is a Yorkie a good family dog?


If you’re up for the grooming, have time to spend with them, and have older kids, a Yorkie could be the perfect little furball for your family. They bring a ton of joy and love into a home. Just be ready for their big personalities and the care they need, and you’ll have a faithful little friend for life.

Hope that helps! Yorkies are truly special, and for the right family, they’re a match made in heaven.

Yorkie Puppies For Sale
